Promoting the practical application of the seximal numbering system is a website dedicated to promoting the application of seximal in everyday life and making it easier and more practical. To that end we provide resources to learn seximal and tools that make use of seximal for everyday tasks.
Promoters of alternative numbering systems often focus on developing ideal systems across the board. After all, if you're reinventing numbers why not everything else that uses them? On the other hand takes a much more pragmatic approach. It's understood that the choice of numbering system is intimately connected to everything we do and that the world does not change overnight. A numbering system change is big enough; if it is to be made practical we should strive to make it work cohesively with other conventions whenever possible.
Fortunately, many of the systems we use every day are more convenient is seximal. Time, angles, and some imperial units factor better in base six than in base ten. The people who developed these systems felt intuitively that divisibility by six is useful, they were developing the systems to be practical. It is our turn to take up the task.